Roughly 170 million Americans use the short-form video app. For some, TikTok has become a lucrative business.
Out-of-state abortions will be more expensive, difficult to get for women across much of the South, advocates warn.
John Romano | It took some special teams help, but Tampa Bay does not go down quietly against the Panthers in Game 4.
The boy found in the pool at a condo complex on Island Estates was later transferred to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Tampa, police said.
Tales | Will getting injured players back and star players up to form make enough of a difference?
Here’s what polls say about a group of voters who can “make or break elections” in the state.
The 6-foot-7 former basketball player logged only a handful of snaps for USF in 2022.
Batches of emails obtained by the Tampa Bay Times reveal eyewitness accounts from a mysterious fish die-off in the Florida Keys.




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