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in Ukraine

Our products

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Everything you need to create, edit, enhance and convert PDF documents in one dynamic application.

A flexible, customizable and wizard-driven application for the batch creation, manipulation and modification of PDF files.

Our virtual printer that prints-to-PDF and creates fully compatible, text-searchable PDF files from most Windows applications.

PDF-XChange Editor Plus, PDF-Tools and the PDF-XChange Standard virtual printer in one discount bundle.

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We are proud to number amongst our clients some of the world's largest companies - but rest assured all of our clients, both large and small, are equally important to us. Many software companies also rely on our PDF technology for the 'under the hood' creation, manipulation and displaying of PDF files when you use their software products.

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Customer Testimonials

Happy Clients

Feedback from David

This whole product is amazingly GREAT news!

I have been playing with the typewriter mode AND it's impressive. I have a
friend that must complete a PDF - Request for entry visa to Mozambique -
and the original PDF IS NOT designed to enter text comments, BUT with
Typewriter Mode, not a problem.

Save a work in progress - filling in parts of the form, then having to do
some research to fill in more of the form, saving and reopening! NOT...

North America
Feedback from ZhiYao Fang


我是臺灣人,這個 PDF XChange 有聽別人使用過,但只有看別人使用過 Viewer,沒有看過他人使用 Editor。
我認為買錯比買貴更浪費,所以有些下載了它的試用版,試驗它的一些功能。包含單獨下載PDF xchange editor試用,以及下載PDF xchange Pro來試用。
OCR 部分準確度可以接受,而且OCR完還有分三種不同的顯示方式:可搜尋的圖片(Searchable Image)、可編輯的文字和圖像(Editable Text and Images)、精細頁面內容(Fine Page Content)。這幾種模式都各有優缺,我試用過覺得非常特別!



ZhiYao Fang
Taiwan, Republic of China
Feedback from Todor Tashev

I just downloaded one of your products - the PDF-XChange Viewer and I'm rushing to write you, because I'm truly amazed! Yes! Finally, I found what I've been looking for! The excellent tool for me! I use PDF files extensively and speed is crucial to my work!

The software is so intuitive and light! Huge difference in the performance comparing it to Adobe's Reader! The CPU usage is much lower and the application does not slow down when scrolling with middle button...

Todor Tashev

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